September 22, 2008

September 22, 2008- rant and rave...

There are not many things that really bug me but when something does come up i really can get going on this... so expect lotsd of repetition and spelling errors in this people...

Ok dso i went to yorkton with a friend on thursday of last week... not a big deal... now people are saying that i was seen doing inappropriate things in his truck... i have a few major problems with this...

1) I have a boyfriend and this stuff is starting to get around to him adn he's going like is this true cause if it is then we're done, and over... THIS IS SO NOT KEWL!!!!

2) This is smearing both me and the friend invloved... not only is this effecting me but it is also starting to bother my friend... if any of the school staff heard exactly what is being said it could make us both look very bad... and all over the fact that I DIDN'T F***ING DO ANY OF THIS STUFF... i am very not impressed about any of this...

3) my step father works in the school... this alone could cause so many problems that it would not be even remotely funny... like seriously it could get him into trouble...

4) my little sister goes to this school... she doesn't need that kind of stuff pushed onto her as saying that because i supposedly did this that she is "like that" too... AND I REPEAT... I DIDN'T DO THIS!!!!!

5) there are way too many people in this school who, if they heard this would think that they could get away with spreading the rumor further... I WILL SAY RIGHT NOW... I WILL NOT PUT UP WITH ANYBODY WHO DECIDES THAT THEY ARE GOING TO KEEP THIS RUMOR GOING... and, (yet againi repeat) I DIDN'T DO ANY OF THE STUFF THAT I AM BEING ACCUSED OF!!!!!

In an ending i would like to really nicely ask you to, if you hear this not pass it on... i really don't want to have to hunt you down and have my ever so nice words (sarcasam) with you...

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