October 16, 2008

Supposed to be in Band... BORED!!!

I am supposed to be in band right now but as usual when we have a sub, I'm not playing for one reason or another... ok so here's the story on the last few days, however i will warn you right now that nothing i say in this blog can be accounted as completely reliable, because i am only quoting it from the source i got it from, i don't even have my own conclusions yet...

Ok, so my mom and step-dad are split up right now... yeah you read right, split up. and from one side, not getting back together, but from the other side they're giving it a month. i really don't know... I had coffee with both last night... seperately of course, but with both... they met my boyfriend... they both liked him... which was awesome... Dad and Kurtis got him talking about the oil fields... Mom got him talking about his family... all around good time... but yeah i gotta go now... ttyl...

October 10, 2008

In English 10... BORED!!!

ok so now i'm in english 10 being to totally bored that i have no idea what to do next... nothing TO do. sitting here talking to some random people and wondering hat time i'm going to get home tonight. maybe around one or two... i really don't know... wish that the day would go faster already!! can't wait till six... he's picking me up from work and we're going to talk to danielle for a bit... she want's to be able to put the " giddien's stamp of approval" on him before we leave town... she seems to thik that i can't choose them for my self... oh well gotta go for now... lol... lates!

IPR 10- in class...

ok so now this is about fifteen mins after my last entry... now i'm in IPR... Information processing... and there are like seven people here today... BORING!!!!!... still really caught up in the whole going to yorkton thingie... can't wait to go now... so psyched... lol... talked to Arnie at like 10 am... says he can't wait to see me either... hoping that he might maybe take me home to meet his grandparents tonight... so now i'm sittin her in the b.ed lab listening to music... gary allan, sarah connor, paul brandt, red jumpsuit apparatus... but so yeah... i have english all afternoon and then i go to and then guess what????? YORKTON!!!!!!! lol so yeah you can see how hyped i am about it... VERY HYPED!!!!! took my driver's test yeterday and failed it... goin back next month to take it again...

In Psychology 30... BORED!!!

Ok so i'm sitting in Psychology class right now an i am so bored!!! i have literally nothing to do... so boring... but all i can think about is the face that i will be going to Yorkton with Arnie after work and meeting Nick and Nick's girlfriend... i really can't think of what her name is right now... we're going to Boston Pizza and then to Pockets... Going to be a lot of fun... i really don't know what we are going to do on sunday other than dinner at my place... dinner at his place on Monday after he gets off work i think... that's only as far as i know right now... the works 8-2 on monday so i don't know if maybe i'll just get Uncle Jesse to pick me up when he goes out to the farm... lol... anyways gtg!

October 7, 2008

October 2, 2008

October 2, 2008-- about to really lose it...

this is not kewl at all here ppl... ok so here's the story.

I got this txt message from Jarvis while i was at work. so when i finished work i called him to see what he wanted. He answers and he sounds reallly distant... whatever... we're talking for a bit when all of a sudden he says " hold on a min" and i'm like ok but don't put me on hold, i don't have time to waste here" so all of a sudden this chick comes on the line and she's all like don't call Jarvis anymore he hates you, matt hates you and i hate you ***** (not nice word). and she hung up on me.

So i was like whatever he's not worth it... then i get a txt from Matt going "call Jarvis" and i was like "no, look at what happened last time i did that" and then Mat was like " well that wasn't his fault, she grabbed his phone away" and i was like " no he told me to hold on and he gave it to her" his answer was " mo she was bothering him so he told you to hold on so he could tell her to calm down and she grabbed the phone and did her nasty little thing" so then i was thinking well what can i do now? there's only two possible ways to take this and the less desirable one is to just call him back... but there is no way in hell that i am doing that, so here i am now... bored and i can't get a hold of allie... i want to tell her about all this, but at the same time i can't and i know it because she's still talking to Jarvis, and would proabaly tell him about it... but then again she is my best friend and i really want to tell her because we tell each other everything... this really sux... i eally don't know what to do about it either... so yeah really about to lose it with all this stuff...

But on the upside i am going to Yorkton tomorrow... going to Sasktel to get a new bluetooth and going swimming with Arnold... gonna be lots of fun... not like much else to do... worked today, 3:30-6:20pm... got to give some input on new products that i would like to see the store get in, tagged some new stock for the racks, learned how to work the register... stuff like that... how to cash cheques for people... cash out, counting float, that kind of thing... not really much that a little practice won't help. the whole cashing cheques has me questioning the system of it, but apparently there's nothing to it once you get the hang of the whole process... i have running sales items through the system and i also got the whole cash out thing... with the exception of being able to count to four... i was supposed to have three $20 bills in the till when done but instead i left four... no fun to have to fix the reciepts manually... not at all... oh well... i'll get it sooner or later...

Can't wait till tomorrow... going to yorkton and going swimming... get to see my bf for a bit... sit and relax in the hot tub, i get a back rub too... or so he promised... found out something interesting about Jeremy Rudy today... actually two interesting things... one that he's moving back to Yorkton in about two months... the other is that someone has been hacking his school login and has been sending messaages to all the girls he knows going "will you date me?" when Jeremy was actually in Yorkton when it was sent... not that cool... but he had me as back up cause he txted me when he was in yorkton and i had the brains to ask him why he wasn't in school that day... and he said that he was in yorkton... and i still had the message in my inbox... so it's all smoothed over now... not a b/d ... except the girls who actually thought that it was him and replied to the messages. all of whom saying no for some reason or another... so Mrs. Burback had to go into his login and change his password... so yeah... i have to go for now... allie is calling me...